We embrace that the integration of sensor data throughout a facility and its HVAC delivery systems. Machine-learning and engineered AI algorithms can learn the load and the range of capabilities of the equipment connected from AHU coil sensors, occupancy sensors, chiller plant PLCs, chiller water set points to heat exchanger valves to tower fan drives, and refine every system setting in real time. And the results get better and better over time and seasons as the system finds equilibrium across the load and devices, the people and machines. Proven in large data-centers, the combined technologies facilitate extraordinary and self-optimizing energy efficiency results. A 40% overall savings has been documented.
overall savings has been documented.
A world where societies, producers and consumers of energy, connecting information with things, people, will choose to prioritize around creating a more efficient, cleaner, and sustainable – a connected and transparent world.
The ability to engineer ways of getting business done more efficiently and people thriving and comfortable is a responsible use of resources. Energy, resources and space density are here to stay.
Our products help customers meet many business objectives. In the future, we see AI, the Internet-of-Things, Block-Chain using immutable Ethereum Smart-Contracts and entirely new business models converging and converting the effect of machines we buy into services with significant value created for consumers of every sort.
We see Hydrogen as a fuel that this world can grow on and become carbon-neutral. The storage and transportation challenges are being solved now. We will be there meeting the challenges and opportunities with our customers.
We Deliver Solutions.