In chiller operations and industrial processes, the excess heat generated necessitates either dissipation to a heat sink or efficient recovery for reuse. Various methods such as evaporative cooling towers, dry-coolers, geo-thermal loops, and natural bodies of water are employed in both open and closed loop systems to achieve this. Our primary aim is to maximize the recovery of waste heat whenever feasible, redirecting it towards beneficial applications. For instances where high-quality process waste heat is available, absorption chillers present a viable solution. In other scenarios, optimizing energy usage involves installing heat exchangers between the heated process fluids and the cooler outdoor air, effectively recuperating heat energy.

An air cooled heat exchanger system uses the ambient air temperature to cool a fluid circulating through a coil. This type of cooling can be used when the fluid being cooled is as close as 5°F or higher than ambient temperature.
An air cooled heat exchanger, often referred to as a dry-cooler is comprised of a coil, inlet/outlet headers, fans, motors, structural stand and several potential options.
Adiabatic systems can further reduce energy for heat rejection to dry coolers. Data-center adiabatic systems utilize fine filtration and reverse osmosis water treatment. Controls correlate relative humidity and heat load to enable minimal make-up water usage.

In many climates, leveraging free-cooling during colder months is practical, and can be seamlessly integrated within FCS Modular Chiller Plants.
Certain applications benefit from specialized approaches such as oil-free centrifugal chillers, thermosiphon free-cooling, and refrigerant economizers utilizing evaporative condensers. These solutions effectively lower the demand for kilowatts in producing chilled water.
Typically, free-cooling incorporates a close-approach plate heat exchanger linked to the chilled water supply loop. When ambient conditions permit, the cooling tower and free-cooling system deliver sufficient cooling to offset chiller operation. Equipped with precise sensors, valves, and controls, this transition occurs automatically.